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The AirPods case may become the new iPod nano

Óscar Gutiérrez
Óscar Gutiérrez
4 Min Read

A new Apple patent describes an AirPods case with a built-in screen for interacting with music

Quick Hits
  • The AirPods case could potentially evolve into something resembling an iPod nano
  • The built-in screen would allow to change the songs or modify the volume
  • Apple received a new patent related to improving the AirPods
  • A patent, however, doesn't mean a product it's coming

Apple has obtained a new patent that describes an AirPods case with an integrated screen on the exterior that would be capable of showing important information to the user.

The patent, published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on March 30, describes an AirPods case that can function as a screen, not only to interact with music but also to show map information, fast-forward an audiobook, or even display weather information.

The patent suggests that this futuristic case could become a kind of iPod Nano on steroids. Users could simply hold the AirPods case and see relevant information according to the context.

“There is a need for a headphone case device that can control operations that are traditionally associated with headphones”, it reads in the patent. “There is a further need for a headphone case that can also convey information to a user, through haptics and/or display devices.”

The patent documentation is quite technical and extensive. However, the illustrations that accompany the patent are quite clear about what Apple is trying to achieve – an AirPods case that also functions as a complementary screen for users to interact with and obtain information.


The aforementioned case would be able to act depending on the pressure exerted when holding it, according to the patent. For all these suggested functionalities, the case would have new modules and processors, according to the filling.

The idea suggested by this patent is intriguing. AirPods owners, for the most part, already have an iPhone as their primary tool for obtaining information or interacting with multimedia content. They may also have an Apple Watch as a second option, and some AirPods models also have touch controls for switching between different types of audio cancellation, adjusting the volume, or changing songs.

It is not mentioned in detail, but this case would also need a larger battery to power the screen and also be able to charge the battery of the AirPods. Currently, the latest AirPods Pro offers six hours of audio with a single charge, and the case can charge them around five times more.

The patents are not synonymous with a product that Apple is preparing to launch. Instead, patents are often registered to protect interesting ideas that may —or may not— materialize in an official product. Companies also register patents to protect themselves from competitors or identities that only seek to register ideas before the big companies and be able to sue them.

AirPods, one of Apple’s youngest products and launched as recently as 2016, have become an almost mandatory accessory for every Apple product user. The Cupertino company is exploiting this category and exploring how to continue improving the product. According to reports, AirPods could also receive new health-focused functions and become an accessory for people with hearing problems.

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You’re reading the Apple Newsroom

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The AirPods case may become the new iPod nano

Óscar Gutiérrez
Óscar Gutiérrez
4 Min Read
Quick Hits
  • The AirPods case could potentially evolve into something resembling an iPod nano
  • The built-in screen would allow to change the songs or modify the volume
  • Apple received a new patent related to improving the AirPods
  • A patent, however, doesn't mean a product it's coming

Apple has obtained a new patent that describes an AirPods case with an integrated screen on the exterior that would be capable of showing important information to the user.

The patent, published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on March 30, describes an AirPods case that can function as a screen, not only to interact with music but also to show map information, fast-forward an audiobook, or even display weather information.

The patent suggests that this futuristic case could become a kind of iPod Nano on steroids. Users could simply hold the AirPods case and see relevant information according to the context.

“There is a need for a headphone case device that can control operations that are traditionally associated with headphones”, it reads in the patent. “There is a further need for a headphone case that can also convey information to a user, through haptics and/or display devices.”

The patent documentation is quite technical and extensive. However, the illustrations that accompany the patent are quite clear about what Apple is trying to achieve – an AirPods case that also functions as a complementary screen for users to interact with and obtain information.


The aforementioned case would be able to act depending on the pressure exerted when holding it, according to the patent. For all these suggested functionalities, the case would have new modules and processors, according to the filling.

The idea suggested by this patent is intriguing. AirPods owners, for the most part, already have an iPhone as their primary tool for obtaining information or interacting with multimedia content. They may also have an Apple Watch as a second option, and some AirPods models also have touch controls for switching between different types of audio cancellation, adjusting the volume, or changing songs.

It is not mentioned in detail, but this case would also need a larger battery to power the screen and also be able to charge the battery of the AirPods. Currently, the latest AirPods Pro offers six hours of audio with a single charge, and the case can charge them around five times more.

The patents are not synonymous with a product that Apple is preparing to launch. Instead, patents are often registered to protect interesting ideas that may —or may not— materialize in an official product. Companies also register patents to protect themselves from competitors or identities that only seek to register ideas before the big companies and be able to sue them.

AirPods, one of Apple’s youngest products and launched as recently as 2016, have become an almost mandatory accessory for every Apple product user. The Cupertino company is exploiting this category and exploring how to continue improving the product. According to reports, AirPods could also receive new health-focused functions and become an accessory for people with hearing problems.

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