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Apple not planning mass layoffs as Tim Cook considers them “last resort” option

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
1 Min Read

Apple won't follow footsteps of its competitors when it comes to downsizing

Quick Hits
  • Tim Cook reiterates the plan of not making massive layoffs
  • Apple has already imposed rules to reduce expenses and limit bonuses
  • Apple remains firm with a different stance from rivals like Google

Apple CEO Tim Cook has stated that the company still views any potential mass layoffs as a “last resort” option, indicating that Apple has no current plans to follow the footsteps of other major tech companies.

Tim Cook declared that “mass layoffs is not something that we’re talking about at this moment” in a new interview with CNBC amid Apple’s better-than-expected fiscal Q2 2023 results.

I view that as a last resort and, so, mass layoffs is not something that we’re talking about at this moment

Apple CEO Tim Cook to CNBC

Apple was able to control expenditures better than its competitors by enforcing cost-cutting policies across the board. The company has reportedly frozen hiring for most of its departments, left vacant positions open when employees depart, drastically cut down on travel budgets, and reduced bonus payment frequency to once per year.

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You’re reading the Apple Newsroom

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Apple not planning mass layoffs as Tim Cook considers them “last resort” option

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
1 Min Read
Quick Hits
  • Tim Cook reiterates the plan of not making massive layoffs
  • Apple has already imposed rules to reduce expenses and limit bonuses
  • Apple remains firm with a different stance from rivals like Google

Apple CEO Tim Cook has stated that the company still views any potential mass layoffs as a “last resort” option, indicating that Apple has no current plans to follow the footsteps of other major tech companies.

Tim Cook declared that “mass layoffs is not something that we’re talking about at this moment” in a new interview with CNBC amid Apple’s better-than-expected fiscal Q2 2023 results.

I view that as a last resort and, so, mass layoffs is not something that we’re talking about at this moment

Apple CEO Tim Cook to CNBC

Apple was able to control expenditures better than its competitors by enforcing cost-cutting policies across the board. The company has reportedly frozen hiring for most of its departments, left vacant positions open when employees depart, drastically cut down on travel budgets, and reduced bonus payment frequency to once per year.

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