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New report details possible iOS 18 Home Screen layout changes

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Today, we learned that Apple is preparing to make the iPhone’s Home Screen more customizable as part of iOS 18. While that report didn’t offer many details, MacRumors is now claiming that these changes could give users more control over the placement of app icons while still being locked to a grid.

According to the newest report, iOS 18 will allow users to place icons on the Home Screen with a greater level of flexibility than what is currently possible. Users will no longer be forced to place apps in order from the iPhone screen’s top left to its bottom right. This means that iOS 18 will support the creation of unoccupied icon spaces and even empty rows and columns.

iOS 18 will still maintain the classic grid layout of app icons that have been the cornerstone of the iPhone experience ever since its introduction in 2007. However, with the planned changes, users could have the freedom to place app icons and widgets in the iPhone’s bottom half of the display for easier usability with one hand while keeping the top portion of the interface empty.

The report also highlights the Lock Screen customization changes that Apple introduced with iOS 16 as a possible inspiration for the expected Home Screen updates with iOS 18. The customization changes and more could result in a significant Home Screen “revamp” that could parallel the introduction of Home Screen widgets and the App Library with iOS 14.

Beyond the reported changes, Apple is also working to introduce a slew of generative AI features across the board with iOS 18 and other software platforms. A redesigned user interface is also on the way, with these changes reportedly setting up iOS 18 as one of the biggest iPhone updates in history.

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You’re reading the Apple Newsroom

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New report details possible iOS 18 Home Screen layout changes

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Today, we learned that Apple is preparing to make the iPhone’s Home Screen more customizable as part of iOS 18. While that report didn’t offer many details, MacRumors is now claiming that these changes could give users more control over the placement of app icons while still being locked to a grid.

According to the newest report, iOS 18 will allow users to place icons on the Home Screen with a greater level of flexibility than what is currently possible. Users will no longer be forced to place apps in order from the iPhone screen’s top left to its bottom right. This means that iOS 18 will support the creation of unoccupied icon spaces and even empty rows and columns.

iOS 18 will still maintain the classic grid layout of app icons that have been the cornerstone of the iPhone experience ever since its introduction in 2007. However, with the planned changes, users could have the freedom to place app icons and widgets in the iPhone’s bottom half of the display for easier usability with one hand while keeping the top portion of the interface empty.

The report also highlights the Lock Screen customization changes that Apple introduced with iOS 16 as a possible inspiration for the expected Home Screen updates with iOS 18. The customization changes and more could result in a significant Home Screen “revamp” that could parallel the introduction of Home Screen widgets and the App Library with iOS 14.

Beyond the reported changes, Apple is also working to introduce a slew of generative AI features across the board with iOS 18 and other software platforms. A redesigned user interface is also on the way, with these changes reportedly setting up iOS 18 as one of the biggest iPhone updates in history.

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