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Apple says iOS 17 adoption rate is lower than that of iOS 16

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

iOS 17 adoption rate among iPhone users is trailing behind that of iOS 16, according to the latest App Store statistics provided by a support page on the Apple Developer portal.

Per the latest numbers, which are accurate as of Sunday, June 9, iOS 17 is installed on 77 percent of all iPhones currently in use and 86 percent of all iPhones introduced in the latest four years. While the numbers certainly appear impressive compared to Android, iOS 17 adoption actually trails the same statistics for iOS 16 during the same period last year.

As of June 2023, iOS 16 was installed on 81 percent of all active iPhones worldwide and 90 percent of all iPhones released between 2019 and 2023. Comparing these figures, iOS 17 adoption seems to be lagging behind that of iOS 16 by around 4 percentage points.

On the iPad side, iPadOS 17 is installed on 77 percent of all iPads released in the same four-year timeframe as the figures reported for iOS and iPhones. iPadOS 17 represents 68 percent of all iPads currently in use, whereas iPadOS 16 is running on 15% of all iPads released in the last four years and 17% of all activated iPads regardless of their release date.

iOS 18, which the company previewed on Monday at WWDC 2024, will be publicly launched alongside the iPhone 16 lineup later this year. The upcoming update is packed with new features, customization options, and visual changes that could be more inciteful for iPhone users than iOS 17.

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You’re reading the Apple Newsroom

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Apple says iOS 17 adoption rate is lower than that of iOS 16

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

iOS 17 adoption rate among iPhone users is trailing behind that of iOS 16, according to the latest App Store statistics provided by a support page on the Apple Developer portal.

Per the latest numbers, which are accurate as of Sunday, June 9, iOS 17 is installed on 77 percent of all iPhones currently in use and 86 percent of all iPhones introduced in the latest four years. While the numbers certainly appear impressive compared to Android, iOS 17 adoption actually trails the same statistics for iOS 16 during the same period last year.

As of June 2023, iOS 16 was installed on 81 percent of all active iPhones worldwide and 90 percent of all iPhones released between 2019 and 2023. Comparing these figures, iOS 17 adoption seems to be lagging behind that of iOS 16 by around 4 percentage points.

On the iPad side, iPadOS 17 is installed on 77 percent of all iPads released in the same four-year timeframe as the figures reported for iOS and iPhones. iPadOS 17 represents 68 percent of all iPads currently in use, whereas iPadOS 16 is running on 15% of all iPads released in the last four years and 17% of all activated iPads regardless of their release date.

iOS 18, which the company previewed on Monday at WWDC 2024, will be publicly launched alongside the iPhone 16 lineup later this year. The upcoming update is packed with new features, customization options, and visual changes that could be more inciteful for iPhone users than iOS 17.

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