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iOS 18 lets you customize battery charging limit on iPhone 15

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple is continuing to offer iPhone 15 users more options to extend the longevity of their devices’ batteries. After adding useful battery statistics to the iPhone 15 lineup, the upcoming iOS 18 will offer more flexibility and insight to manage battery health and charging habits.

The Battery section under the iOS 18 Settings app will allow iPhone 15 users to change the maximum charging limit currently fixed at 80 percent to something more granular. When iPhone 15 users upgrade to iOS 18 later this year, they’ll be able to set charging limits at 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100 percent for additional flexibility.

Not only that, but iOS 18 will intelligently suggest a charging limit based on the user’s habits. The suggestion will appear as a notification, and can also be found in the Battery section under the Charging menu where granular charging limits are selected. As covered before, Apple has added another useful insight to alert iPhone users when using a slow charger.

Just like the expanded battery information found on iOS 17, the changes introduced with iOS 18 are exclusive to the iPhone 15 lineup as of the first beta. They are unlikely to be making their way to prior iPhone generations in time for the software’s public launch in September.

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iOS 18 lets you customize battery charging limit on iPhone 15

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple is continuing to offer iPhone 15 users more options to extend the longevity of their devices’ batteries. After adding useful battery statistics to the iPhone 15 lineup, the upcoming iOS 18 will offer more flexibility and insight to manage battery health and charging habits.

The Battery section under the iOS 18 Settings app will allow iPhone 15 users to change the maximum charging limit currently fixed at 80 percent to something more granular. When iPhone 15 users upgrade to iOS 18 later this year, they’ll be able to set charging limits at 80, 85, 90, 95, or 100 percent for additional flexibility.

Not only that, but iOS 18 will intelligently suggest a charging limit based on the user’s habits. The suggestion will appear as a notification, and can also be found in the Battery section under the Charging menu where granular charging limits are selected. As covered before, Apple has added another useful insight to alert iPhone users when using a slow charger.

Just like the expanded battery information found on iOS 17, the changes introduced with iOS 18 are exclusive to the iPhone 15 lineup as of the first beta. They are unlikely to be making their way to prior iPhone generations in time for the software’s public launch in September.

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