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Apple Vision Pro features 90Hz refresh rate displays, special mode for watching videos

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple Vision Pro is now official, and while Apple was scant with the tech specs of its headset during the official announcement, a few details are slowly being revealed as part of WWDC developer sessions running throughout the week.

A big question mark on Apple Vision Pro specs was its displays’ refresh rate. The dual display setup is already impressive, with each display sporting more pixels than a typical 4K screen panel for a total of 23 million pixels. However, Apple was careful not to reveal the displays’ refresh rate during its presentation on Monday, with the company’s representatives remaining tight-lipped during the private demos given out to attending media after the event.

A new developer session might have finally answered this question. In a 17-minute session titled “Deliver video content for spatial experiences,” the presenter is quoted as saying, “The display’s refresh rate is 90 Hertz, And for 24-frames-per-second video, a special 96-hertz mode may be used automatically.” 24 is a factor of 96, unlike 90, which means videos shot at 24fps are less likely to appear jittery with a 96Hz refresh rate instead of 90Hz. The session also briefly mentions that Apple Vision Pro natively supports HDR content.

Apple announced its Vision Pro headset and accompanying visionOS software platform on Monday during the WWDC 2023 keynote. The headset will be available early next year initially in the US only, with prices starting at $3,499.

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Apple Vision Pro features 90Hz refresh rate displays, special mode for watching videos

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple Vision Pro is now official, and while Apple was scant with the tech specs of its headset during the official announcement, a few details are slowly being revealed as part of WWDC developer sessions running throughout the week.

A big question mark on Apple Vision Pro specs was its displays’ refresh rate. The dual display setup is already impressive, with each display sporting more pixels than a typical 4K screen panel for a total of 23 million pixels. However, Apple was careful not to reveal the displays’ refresh rate during its presentation on Monday, with the company’s representatives remaining tight-lipped during the private demos given out to attending media after the event.

A new developer session might have finally answered this question. In a 17-minute session titled “Deliver video content for spatial experiences,” the presenter is quoted as saying, “The display’s refresh rate is 90 Hertz, And for 24-frames-per-second video, a special 96-hertz mode may be used automatically.” 24 is a factor of 96, unlike 90, which means videos shot at 24fps are less likely to appear jittery with a 96Hz refresh rate instead of 90Hz. The session also briefly mentions that Apple Vision Pro natively supports HDR content.

Apple announced its Vision Pro headset and accompanying visionOS software platform on Monday during the WWDC 2023 keynote. The headset will be available early next year initially in the US only, with prices starting at $3,499.

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