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Apple releases watchOS 9.6.1 update with Movement Disorder API bug fix

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
1 Min Read

Apple just released watchOS 9.6.1 to the public with build number 20U80, a minor watchOS update with bug fixes two weeks after the release of watchOS 9.6.

Users who wish to download watchOS 9.6.1 can do so by navigating to My Watch -> General -> Software Update on the Apple Watch companion app on the iPhone. Before installing the update, the Apple Watch must have at least 50% battery left and be connected to a charger, be in the vicinity of its parent iPhone running the latest iOS release, and be connected to a Wi-Fi network.

According to Apple’s release notes, watchOS 9.6.1 introduces the following bug fixes:

This update includes a fix for an issue that prevents access to motion data for apps that use the Movement Disorder API to track tremors and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease.

While Apple keeps on releasing minor watchOS 9 updates, the company is in the process of beta testing its upcoming watchOS 10 major software release, which should be publicly available sometime in September. watchOS 10 is currently at its fifth beta, with beta 6 expected to be released as soon as this week.

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You’re reading the Apple Newsroom

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Apple releases watchOS 9.6.1 update with Movement Disorder API bug fix

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
1 Min Read

Apple just released watchOS 9.6.1 to the public with build number 20U80, a minor watchOS update with bug fixes two weeks after the release of watchOS 9.6.

Users who wish to download watchOS 9.6.1 can do so by navigating to My Watch -> General -> Software Update on the Apple Watch companion app on the iPhone. Before installing the update, the Apple Watch must have at least 50% battery left and be connected to a charger, be in the vicinity of its parent iPhone running the latest iOS release, and be connected to a Wi-Fi network.

According to Apple’s release notes, watchOS 9.6.1 introduces the following bug fixes:

This update includes a fix for an issue that prevents access to motion data for apps that use the Movement Disorder API to track tremors and symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease.

While Apple keeps on releasing minor watchOS 9 updates, the company is in the process of beta testing its upcoming watchOS 10 major software release, which should be publicly available sometime in September. watchOS 10 is currently at its fifth beta, with beta 6 expected to be released as soon as this week.

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