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Apple Watch Series 10 might not be compatible with older bands

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple is again rumored to introduce a new band mechanism for next year’s Apple Watch that would make it incompatible with all current bands.

According to @KosutamiSan on X, Apple has “completely redesigned” the band connectors for the tentatively named Apple Watch Series 10, apparently making them incompatible with all current bands. If true, the new design would mean that users of the upcoming Apple Watch will be forced to buy new additional bands if they’re upgrading from an older generation.

Apple has maintained the same sliding clip-on mechanism for all Apple Watch models since the first generation was released in 2015. The reported new design would be a major and controversial departure from a standard that the company has maintained for every Apple Watch model, forcing users to buy new bands in the process to replace their obsolete ones.

This wouldn’t be the first time a band connection overhaul is reported for the Apple Watch. A Bloomberg report from August indicates that Apple is working on a 10th-anniversary “Watch X” model with a completely new design that also extends to the band connection mechanism.

The current clip-on band system purportedly occupies a lot of valuable space inside the Apple Watch, and designers are considering a new magnetic attachment system that uses less volume. Apple would then use the saved space from the miniaturized system to include other features like increased battery capacity or more health sensors.

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You’re reading the Apple Newsroom

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Apple Watch Series 10 might not be compatible with older bands

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple is again rumored to introduce a new band mechanism for next year’s Apple Watch that would make it incompatible with all current bands.

According to @KosutamiSan on X, Apple has “completely redesigned” the band connectors for the tentatively named Apple Watch Series 10, apparently making them incompatible with all current bands. If true, the new design would mean that users of the upcoming Apple Watch will be forced to buy new additional bands if they’re upgrading from an older generation.

Apple has maintained the same sliding clip-on mechanism for all Apple Watch models since the first generation was released in 2015. The reported new design would be a major and controversial departure from a standard that the company has maintained for every Apple Watch model, forcing users to buy new bands in the process to replace their obsolete ones.

This wouldn’t be the first time a band connection overhaul is reported for the Apple Watch. A Bloomberg report from August indicates that Apple is working on a 10th-anniversary “Watch X” model with a completely new design that also extends to the band connection mechanism.

The current clip-on band system purportedly occupies a lot of valuable space inside the Apple Watch, and designers are considering a new magnetic attachment system that uses less volume. Apple would then use the saved space from the miniaturized system to include other features like increased battery capacity or more health sensors.

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