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Apple shares new Vision Pro ad highlighting its navigation experience

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple has released a new 30-second ad for Vision Pro titled “First-Timer” on its YouTube channel. The ad features all-new marketing footage for the headset, unlike the earlier “Hello Apple Vision Pro” spot.

The ad features a person wearing Vision Pro and using their eyes and hand to navigate visionOS, launching the Apple TV+ app and manipulating its spatial location and size with hand gestures. The ad closes with the person lying back on a couch and watching a movie on a large window simulated close to the ceiling thanks to Vision Pro.

“Apple Vision Pro is so simple to navigate using your eyes, hands, and voice. It’s like you already know how to use it,” the ad description reads. Apple also released several tutorials for certain aspects of the headset on its Apple Support channel on YouTube.

Vision Pro is now available for customers across the US through Apple’s retail channels starting at $3,499. Customers who pre-ordered the headset for delivery to their addresses and pickup from Apple Store locations should begin receiving their units starting today. All Apple Store locations in the US should also have some stock available for in-store purchase, even if it’s likely to be severely limited.

Vision Pro is also available with 512GB and 1TB storage options priced at $3,699 and $3,899 respectively. Today’s availability is only limited to the United States, with Apple rumored to expand the headset to international markets before WWDC 2024.

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Apple shares new Vision Pro ad highlighting its navigation experience

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
2 Min Read

Apple has released a new 30-second ad for Vision Pro titled “First-Timer” on its YouTube channel. The ad features all-new marketing footage for the headset, unlike the earlier “Hello Apple Vision Pro” spot.

The ad features a person wearing Vision Pro and using their eyes and hand to navigate visionOS, launching the Apple TV+ app and manipulating its spatial location and size with hand gestures. The ad closes with the person lying back on a couch and watching a movie on a large window simulated close to the ceiling thanks to Vision Pro.

“Apple Vision Pro is so simple to navigate using your eyes, hands, and voice. It’s like you already know how to use it,” the ad description reads. Apple also released several tutorials for certain aspects of the headset on its Apple Support channel on YouTube.

Vision Pro is now available for customers across the US through Apple’s retail channels starting at $3,499. Customers who pre-ordered the headset for delivery to their addresses and pickup from Apple Store locations should begin receiving their units starting today. All Apple Store locations in the US should also have some stock available for in-store purchase, even if it’s likely to be severely limited.

Vision Pro is also available with 512GB and 1TB storage options priced at $3,699 and $3,899 respectively. Today’s availability is only limited to the United States, with Apple rumored to expand the headset to international markets before WWDC 2024.

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