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Apple Vision Pro is compatible with prescription glasses — but you’ll need a separate adapter

Óscar Gutiérrez
Óscar Gutiérrez
2 Min Read

The Apple Vision Pro headset will be compatible with prescription glasses, but you will have to pay a little more to use the headset and your glasses.

Without making much noise about it, Apple revealed that users who wear glasses must purchase Optical Inserts adapters made by Zeiss. The Zeiss adapter will be sold separately, and no details have been told about its price, how it will be purchased, or whether there will be any particular process to test and adapt them well to each user’s head and lenses.

ZEISS is delighted to be working with Apple to provide precision optics for people who require vision correction, so they can fully enjoy the incredible visual experience offered by Apple Vision Pro.


This small adapter, as shown on the Zeiss website, is circular (although this may vary depending on the user’s glasses) and resembles the UV protectors placed in front of a camera lens. The adapter will be placed inside the Apple headset to fit snugly against the user’s face while wearing glasses.

Apple did not reveal any more details about these adapters. Still, the German manufacturer of optical products already has a page dedicated to Optical Inserts for the Vision Pro and says they will be available in the United States starting in 2024.

The Apple Vision Pro headset will be available for purchase early next year, although an exact release date has not been announced yet. The headset will cost $3,499 and will initially only be sold in the United States.

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Apple Vision Pro is compatible with prescription glasses — but you’ll need a separate adapter

Óscar Gutiérrez
Óscar Gutiérrez
2 Min Read

The Apple Vision Pro headset will be compatible with prescription glasses, but you will have to pay a little more to use the headset and your glasses.

Without making much noise about it, Apple revealed that users who wear glasses must purchase Optical Inserts adapters made by Zeiss. The Zeiss adapter will be sold separately, and no details have been told about its price, how it will be purchased, or whether there will be any particular process to test and adapt them well to each user’s head and lenses.

ZEISS is delighted to be working with Apple to provide precision optics for people who require vision correction, so they can fully enjoy the incredible visual experience offered by Apple Vision Pro.


This small adapter, as shown on the Zeiss website, is circular (although this may vary depending on the user’s glasses) and resembles the UV protectors placed in front of a camera lens. The adapter will be placed inside the Apple headset to fit snugly against the user’s face while wearing glasses.

Apple did not reveal any more details about these adapters. Still, the German manufacturer of optical products already has a page dedicated to Optical Inserts for the Vision Pro and says they will be available in the United States starting in 2024.

The Apple Vision Pro headset will be available for purchase early next year, although an exact release date has not been announced yet. The headset will cost $3,499 and will initially only be sold in the United States.

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