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Apple’s unreleased headset receives high-praise from Oculus founder ahead of WWDC debut

David Eden-Sangwell
David Eden-Sangwell - Writer
2 Min Read

Luckey founded Oculus VR before selling to Meta

Quick Hits
  • Oculus founder convinced Doom creator to add VR
  • Palmer Luckey created the first prototype headset for Oculus in 2011

Oculus founder Palmer Luckey took to Twitter on Sunday to say, “The Apple headset is so good.” raising the question, who else has Apple shown it to?

Luckey built the prototype Oculus headset in 2011 at 18 in his parent’s Long Beach, California garage. His early work led to John Carmack of ID software announcing that Doom 3, BFG edition, would be compatible with head-mounted displays. Oculus Rift was one of the earliest successful platforms in the VR space, with the company later being acquired by Facebook owner Meta in 2014 for around $2 billion. Today, Oculus has evolved into the Meta Quest platform, selling approximately 20 million headsets.

Luckey doesn’t elaborate in the replies about the experience, and it’s impossible to verify if the Oculus founder was shown the hardware by Apple or if he’s reacting to the market’s expectations. That being said, it isn’t easy to imagine many people who would be more qualified to give feedback on a new mixed-reality headset.

Apple’s headset is expected to be revealed at WWDC on June 5, with sales starting in Fall at the earliest. The device is rumored to ship with a carbon fiber chassis, dual micro OLED displays from Sony, and an array of 12 external cameras.

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Apple’s unreleased headset receives high-praise from Oculus founder ahead of WWDC debut

David Eden-Sangwell
David Eden-Sangwell - Writer
2 Min Read
Quick Hits
  • Oculus founder convinced Doom creator to add VR
  • Palmer Luckey created the first prototype headset for Oculus in 2011

Oculus founder Palmer Luckey took to Twitter on Sunday to say, “The Apple headset is so good.” raising the question, who else has Apple shown it to?

Luckey built the prototype Oculus headset in 2011 at 18 in his parent’s Long Beach, California garage. His early work led to John Carmack of ID software announcing that Doom 3, BFG edition, would be compatible with head-mounted displays. Oculus Rift was one of the earliest successful platforms in the VR space, with the company later being acquired by Facebook owner Meta in 2014 for around $2 billion. Today, Oculus has evolved into the Meta Quest platform, selling approximately 20 million headsets.

Luckey doesn’t elaborate in the replies about the experience, and it’s impossible to verify if the Oculus founder was shown the hardware by Apple or if he’s reacting to the market’s expectations. That being said, it isn’t easy to imagine many people who would be more qualified to give feedback on a new mixed-reality headset.

Apple’s headset is expected to be revealed at WWDC on June 5, with sales starting in Fall at the earliest. The device is rumored to ship with a carbon fiber chassis, dual micro OLED displays from Sony, and an array of 12 external cameras.

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