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Apple’s board of directors undergoing reshuffle as Al Gore and James Bell step down

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
3 Min Read

Apple has today announced that it’s adding a new member to its board of directors. The company revealed that Dr. Wanda Austin, formerly of The Aerospace Corporation, has been formally nominated to join as a director.

Dr. Austin’s arrival will coincide with the retirement of members Al Gore and James Bell, who are set to retire from their position as directors as Apple does not allow members who reach the age of 75 to be reelected into its board.

Wanda has spent decades advancing technology on behalf of humanity, and we’re thrilled to welcome her to Apple’s board of directors. She’s an extraordinary leader, and her invaluable experience and expertise will support our mission of leaving the world better than we found it.

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Like Apple, I’ve always believed in the power of innovation to improve lives, support human potential, and shape a better future. I’m honored to join Apple’s board of directors, and I look forward to being part of a company that’s always creating new ways to empower people all over the world.

Dr. Wanda Austin

Dr. Austin commenced her association with The Aerospace Corporation in 1979, initially joining as a member of the technical staff. Throughout the subsequent decades, she assumed diverse roles, including program management and overseeing significant customer-facing systems. From 2008 to 2016, she held the position of president and CEO within the organization.

Between 2018 and 2019, Dr. Austin assumed the role of interim president at the University of Southern California. She is an active member of the board at Amgen and holds a position on the board of Chevron, where she serves as the lead independent director. Additionally, she was a board member at Virgin Galactic from 2019 to 2023.

We’re deeply grateful to Al and James for their many years of service to Apple — their insights, energy, and values have made us a stronger company in so many ways. For more than 20 years, Al has contributed an incredible amount to our work — from his unconditional support for protecting our users’ privacy, to his incomparable knowledge of environment and climate issues. James’s dedication has been extraordinary, and we’re thankful for the important perspectives and deep expertise he’s offered on audit, finance, and so much more over the years.

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Al Gore assumed his position at Apple in 2003, whereas James Bell joined the company in 2015. With today’s reshuffle, Apple’s board of directors now comprises Arthur Levinson, Alex Gorsky, Andrea Jung, Monica Lozano, Ronald Sugar, Susan Wagner, and Tim Cook.

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Apple’s board of directors undergoing reshuffle as Al Gore and James Bell step down

Omar Moharram
Omar Moharram - Senior Editor
3 Min Read

Apple has today announced that it’s adding a new member to its board of directors. The company revealed that Dr. Wanda Austin, formerly of The Aerospace Corporation, has been formally nominated to join as a director.

Dr. Austin’s arrival will coincide with the retirement of members Al Gore and James Bell, who are set to retire from their position as directors as Apple does not allow members who reach the age of 75 to be reelected into its board.

Wanda has spent decades advancing technology on behalf of humanity, and we’re thrilled to welcome her to Apple’s board of directors. She’s an extraordinary leader, and her invaluable experience and expertise will support our mission of leaving the world better than we found it.

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Like Apple, I’ve always believed in the power of innovation to improve lives, support human potential, and shape a better future. I’m honored to join Apple’s board of directors, and I look forward to being part of a company that’s always creating new ways to empower people all over the world.

Dr. Wanda Austin

Dr. Austin commenced her association with The Aerospace Corporation in 1979, initially joining as a member of the technical staff. Throughout the subsequent decades, she assumed diverse roles, including program management and overseeing significant customer-facing systems. From 2008 to 2016, she held the position of president and CEO within the organization.

Between 2018 and 2019, Dr. Austin assumed the role of interim president at the University of Southern California. She is an active member of the board at Amgen and holds a position on the board of Chevron, where she serves as the lead independent director. Additionally, she was a board member at Virgin Galactic from 2019 to 2023.

We’re deeply grateful to Al and James for their many years of service to Apple — their insights, energy, and values have made us a stronger company in so many ways. For more than 20 years, Al has contributed an incredible amount to our work — from his unconditional support for protecting our users’ privacy, to his incomparable knowledge of environment and climate issues. James’s dedication has been extraordinary, and we’re thankful for the important perspectives and deep expertise he’s offered on audit, finance, and so much more over the years.

Apple CEO Tim Cook

Al Gore assumed his position at Apple in 2003, whereas James Bell joined the company in 2015. With today’s reshuffle, Apple’s board of directors now comprises Arthur Levinson, Alex Gorsky, Andrea Jung, Monica Lozano, Ronald Sugar, Susan Wagner, and Tim Cook.

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